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Eloqua Integration Test Course d

Testing Eloqua and Badgr integration

  • Course Number

  • Self-Paced

To test the Integration with Eloqua and Badgr

Keep in mind that you can only complete a section and course once. In case you need to retry a test, you will need to enroll in a new course, so I have created a series of 5 copies of the test course with urls offset by one letter. For example, (2021_c got messed up. I skipped to _d)


  1. Enroll in this course. Click the 'Course' tab, and 'Start Course' button.
  2. Answer the questions in both Sections. You don't even have to get them correct. Course and section completion is based on participation only.
  3. Browse to the 'Course' again so that you can see the Course Outline. You should see all rows of the outline should have green checkmarks. If not, you haven't completed the full course.
  4. Wait until :00, :10, :20, :30 etc. after the hour. Every 10 minutes, a backend process fires which sends any new Section and Course starts and completes to Segment, and from there we integrate with Badgr and Eloqua.
  5. You should see very soon an email arrive from Badgr congratulating you on your new badge.
  6. Browse to (you will need a login to Refresh the page if needed. You will see a new badge award for your email.
  7. Browse to
  8. Under the Actions, dropdown click 'View Submission Data'
  9. You should see 7 new rows at the top:
    • Two should have a course id, section id, and a status of 'started' - 2 Section starts
    • Two should have a course id, section id, and a status of 'completed' - 2 Section completes
    • One should have a course id only and a status of 'started' - 1 course start
    • One should have a course id only and a status of 'completed' - 1 course complete
    • One should have a badge class id, a badge assertion id, a badge name, and a status of 'awarded' - 1 badge award
    * It may take a little bit longer for the badge award row to appear so you might have to close and reopen the View Submission Data modal.